Monday, March 26, 2012

Project Move: Day 26 Back to Unpacking

     My garage is filled with empty boxes to the point of severe discomfort.  So I called United, my mover, and asked if they would pick them up.  They said that they would if I paid them $100!  I remarked, "But the boxes are worth money, why would I pay you to take them away?"  She didn't have a good answer.
     I called a local storage facility and offered to give them the boxes for free if they pick them up.  I told them that they can sell them to their clients.  They had to think about it.  I think that I'll keep trying that tactic of locating a business that services people who are moving.  I have to have my cars in the garage in 2 more weeks.  So getting those empty boxes out of the garage is a project milestone.
     My indoor plants are repotted and back inside.  They aren't happy about being rained on and in the cold, but I didn't have time to water them, and they needed dusting. :-) 
     My cat hasn't been happy either.  She's been leaving me messes which she never does.  While I was potting outside, I noticed that she's getting her courage up to go outside.  She used to be an indoor/outdoor cat, and I'm planning on her being that again.  One more week of acclimating to our new home, and she's going out.  I had a new tag made at Petsmart with our new address and phone number.  It's even got a frame around it, so it will wear better with time.  It's cute on her, too!
     Since my last apartment carpet got filled with kitty litter, I bought a covered litter box, too.  It looks like a snail and has little steps so the litter comes off her feet before she steps back onto the carpet.  Hopefully, that'll save me from having to vacuum kitty litter from the carpet anymore.  Kitty litter really makes a vacuum smell.
     The rest of the day I cleared my room of boxes and started clearing the guest room.  The guest room is going to have to take another day.  I want to get it cozy for Drew when he returns from San Diego.  He was so upset about not having a relaxing room for his Spring Break.  Oh, well.  I couldn't help that my move and job start coincided with his Spring Break.  I'm glad that he's forced to spend a lot of time with his dad.  Drew needs both of us.
     My last major issue is my relaxing time in the evening.  It requires somewhere to relax.  My sofabed will arrive in 5-7 weeks and my tables will be refurbished at the beginning of May.  Maybe I'll blow up a camping mattress until my sister loans me a couch.  I hope that she hasn't stored the couch in a dirty place.  My home is super clean now.  Our joke is about her free stuff, "You want perfect.  You pay five dollar."  I just might pay $5 for the loaner couch.  lol

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