Sunday, March 25, 2012

Project Move: Day 25 Taking a Day Off

    My petitioner last night told me that he takes Sunday off as a day of rest, so I decided to do just that.  First, I went to my first Sacramento church, Divine Savior Catholic Church.  It was a gorgeous building and had some inciteful older priests.  The choir was quite good and older like St. James.  The cantor was quite pregnant.  It's too bad that I've got too much change going on in my life or I'd offer to be a temporary cantor. 
    The choir director at St. James had started to train me to cantor many years ago, but the fires hit our neighborhood.  It was like living in a cigarette butt.  I took that as a sign that God didn't want me to cantor, so I never continued. 
     My ministry now is the "At Risk" students, not cantoring.  I have too many interests, so I have to pace myself.  I have to focus on what God wants me to do now---breaking the welfare cycle in what ways that I can.  I've learned the tools to do this over the last 5 years.  Lots of people can be soloists.
    After that I drove out to the State Soccer Tournament in Marysville in which my nephew, Luke's son, was competing.  Luke and I sat and watched the game together.  I told him about my date with the petitioner.  He was over 15 minutes late, so I texted him, "Please be here in 5 minutes.  I'm a German American and don't do late."  Luke and I laughed about that one.  Tardy people are not tolerated by us. 
    I wish that I could meet someone similar to my brother, Luke.  He and I used to go on weekend hiking adventures in the Sierras.  We'd always get lost on a dry river bed that looked like a trail in the moonlight, but this made us great orienteers.  He was also a model for Silicon Valley in his younger years, as well as a Director of Engineering.  He still is an upper level mucky muck in engineering.  He also has OCD and some extreme views about the evils of gay marriage, so I wouldn't want someone exactly like Luke---just close to him.
    The petitioner is nothing like Luke.  He didn't finish college, is a recently retired semipro frontline blocker for football, and has severe ADHD which is why he can run three different companies.  He will be a great friend to have here, but I know his chronic tardiness that he admits that he has and the fact that he'd run off for work without notice if he got a client call will enrage me.  We do have a lot in common and have interesting conversations, but there's no magic that would compensate for his tardiness and lack of me being number 1.  German Americans truly don't do late, and I've already been a lower priority to my ex-husband.   I won't make that mistake again.
    My Lt. Colonel had some serious magic and is now the measure that I'm using.  He was also prompt and highly educated.  I hope that he gets a job in Sacramento.  As time goes by, I know that that is just a fantasy.  All I can do is hope though.  Hope is what has always kept me focused on the future here and not just going to Heaven.
    Part of focusing on the future is being an aunty.  Watching my nephew play soccer was wonderful.  He's not as aggressive as the other players, but he assisted on the first goal that his team made during the entire tournament.  Maybe it's because Aunty was there.  :-)
    I discovered that he's got Aspergers like me, though I don't think anyone has acknowledged that.  He allowed me to give him a sideways hug which Luke informed me, "That's as good as it gets!"  He also is very quiet and solitary.  I did get him talking when I explained my gravity manipulation theory to him after he told me that he is going to study math or physics at a UC.  :-)
    After the tournament we went our separate ways, I enjoyed the beautiful Sacramento day by eating some frozen yogurt in Gold River at their outside tables.  I also did some weeding and repotting of plants.  It felt so good to play in the dirt again. It's been a long time.
     It's a good thing that I didn't take the time to dress down for gardening, because a new neighbor popped into my yard to give me information on the 49er Outdoor Club.  She caught me gardening in my nice clothes and jewelry---Gold River style. lol  I'm really enjoying Gold River and my new life in Sacramento now.

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