Thursday, March 22, 2012

Project Move: Day 22 Petitioned by the Petitioner

     After I had the property manager's plumber do some repairs, I took my parent's tables to a refinisher/restorer.  The tables are solid wood and extremely heavy.  I managed to put the 6 foot long table into the Suburban like I put my kayak into it.  The little table was much more simple to put into the truck.  The funny thing is that it took two men to get the 6 foot table out of the truck. lol  Moving, another form of weight lifting!
     Then I headed to Target to get some necessary kitchen items.  I was in a quandry in the coffee maker aisle.  There are the stylish Krups, but I don't like the waste of the disposable inserts.   I didn't want disposable coffee filters either.  Then I saw the Hamilton Beach The Scoop.  It didn't use disposable anything, except the coffee itself.  Its reuseable filter is dishwasher safe, too.  How awesome!  I bought that one.
     I also bought some fun dishes with flowers and vines on them.  They have vibrant colors like cardinal, blues, yellows, greens, and purple.  This second half of my life is going to be vibrant like my dishes. 
     In fact, on my way home I decided to taste the local yogurt and had an interesting moment.  My hair was a bit greasy, and I wasn't wearing any makeup, since my alarm didn't go off this morning for my plumber's appointment.  Trying not to be seen, I walked by this guy who asked me if I'd sign this petition for getting more money for our students.  I walked briskly passed him saying, "No thank you."
    While eating some yogurt, I knew that I should sign that petition for more money for our students.  So I walked up to the man and signed his petition.  We got to talking about the lack of money in the school system.  I explained that I relocated because of the lack of money for the school system and teaching jobs.  I remarked, "At least I have family here."
    He has a big family here, too.  He also has a landscape construction business that wasn't doing so well with the economy, so he's the only employee.  I'd always run my profitable businesses like that---being the only employee.  He's also an inventor and has some patents.  I'm an inventor and am pursuing a kayak accessory patent. 
     He realized that to sign the petition, I'd have to register to vote in my new area, since I moved.  He happened to have those forms and was so excited to have his first voter register with him.  Then he remarked, "I'm really tempted to ask you for your phone number."
     Due to the move I didn't have any business cards to give to him.  He gave me his card and said, "I hope that you call me.  We can do coffee or go dancing."
     "Yeah, I'll take you out on the town.  I'm a good guy, too.  Boy, this is my lucky day!"
      As I drove by in my dented up Suburban he happily waved to me, the lady with the greasy hair and no make up.  I couldn't believe that I met a great guy like this!

P.S.  To my blog readers:  If you want to support a struggling math/engineering teacher and author, please buy my first book, "The Romance of Kilimanjaro," soon to be followed by my second book at:         Thank You!

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