Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Project Move: Day 14 Remove Boxes from Apartment and Storage

      Self control was required in so many ways today.  My Pentecostal moving quoter drove with me to my storage unit and verified what the driver had told him.  You can't get an 80ft semi up that grade without bottoming out on the pavement.  So we had to get a shuttle truck to remove the contents of my storage unit. $$$
     Upon my return I overheard the four guys trying to disassemble my piano say that they didn't know how to get the legs off.  I was furious!!!  I hired them because I could trust that they've moved a lot of pianos well.  They finally got the legs off after many failed attempts while I tried to Google how to remove legs from a Reiger Klaus grand piano while my computer decided to do some windows updates and restart. 
     Tears just burst out!  That piano was my connection to my mother that they were pounding on to get the legs off.  I was soooooooo stressed out!  Finally, they figured out how to do it without damaging my piano and got it onto the elevator which the last mover could not do.  So they scored huge points with me.  The elevator was much more safe for my piano than the stairs.
      While juggling between two moving crews---one at my apartment and one at the storage unit, I tested out my idea for music in my truck.  My stereo system stopped working many years ago, and I never took the truck on long rides due to the gas mileage, so I never bothered to fix it.  Now the suburban was going on an 8 hour drive, and I needed music.
      What did I figure out to do?  I found an old cigarette to plug adapter and an old tape player that my son was using to listen to the old tapes that we discovered in the attic from the last move.  One tape case was my ex-husbands and one was mine.  I had listened to those old tapes on my journeys from UC Berkeley to Sacramento when I returned home for my breaks.  How appropriate to listen to this music while I return to Sacramento from this long, 26-year break.

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