Saturday, March 10, 2012

Project Move: Day 10 Pack, Cry, Say "Good-bye"

    When my apartment started filling up with packed boxes, I felt overwhelmed.  This was no longer my woman cave.  My doll collection lay carefully wrapped in a box by my cousin and me.  I no longer had my comfort items on display---just an empty, dusty china hutch.  Music was the only thing now that could sooth my soul as I packed after my cousin left.
   After our morning of packing my son's room and doll collection up, we went to lunch.  Alice said, "You and I both know that you're not ever moving back." 
    She was probably right.  I'm a salmon swimming back to my headwaters where I was born.  Hopefully, I won't be dying when I get there!  I tearfully hugged her as she dropped me off, "I'll miss you!"
    "This is not 'Good-bye,' we will see each other again."
    I was so glad that her son is a student at UC Modesto.  I knew that I would have them visit me when they did the long drive up to collect him for his school breaks.  Hopefully, my guest room will be used a lot!
   Later my friend, Vanessa, had a "Going Away" Open House for me, since my friends came from various walks of life.  I was so touched by her show of love.  She made her home look so beautiful and the food was delicious as usual.  I cried with her before the guests showed and then drank some wine to calm down.  My tears were easier to control after a little wine.
    As my friends arrived and got to know each other, I was so happy for the connections that they were making.  One of my friends from junior high was a news broadcaster and producer and another friend's daughter wanted to learn about that career.  Some of my friends got into a heated debate about whether pot should be legalized.  We all seemed to love an intellectually-based discussion about controversial topics!  Two of my friends are math teachers at a community college and explained that world to my friend and me who are secondary teachers.  My artist friend found a new patron---one of my alto friends.  At least I'll be with my friends via their new friendships made at my Open House.
    One husband and wife, who were formerly from Sacramento have an older brother who's been divorced a few years, but refuses to date.  They explained what he likes to do.  He's a contractor, mountaineer, talker, and hunter.  He's apparently tall, blond, and built.  Hum, that's the description of the man that I wanted when my junior high school teacher asked me what I wanted in a man.  I told them to have him call me.  I added, "He has to have enough balls to ask me out.  I can be intimidating to men when they get to know me.  The man's got to call me, otherwise it's never going to work.  I also just want to be friends right now."
    What a wonderful day of love from my friends!  I know that I'll stay connected with them via Facebook, their college kids, and visits.  I'm feeling better about leaving.  My tears are dry.

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