Thursday, March 15, 2012

Project Move: Day 15 The Cat and I Moved

    While waiting for Vanessa to come downstairs, I drank in the beauty of canyonous La Costa and its incredible views.  My body felt like it was ripping from the inside out.  I will miss this gorgeous area.  At least I'll be doing training in Oceanside occasionally, so I will be back. 
    Vanessa did the standard parent-to-teenager morning order at one of her teenagers who hadn't appeared, "Get up!  You're going to be late for school!"  Then she appeared in the kitchen.  With tears I gave Vanessa a hug, and we told each other, "I love you!"  She gave me comfort drinks for the road and wanted to give me her delicious lemon bars, but I haven't had time to do my normal exercise and my pants are tighter.
     As I drove to my apartment, I soaked in all the colors of the plants and the beauty of the homes in the hills.  Then I descended into the dark parking garage on a mission to get the apartment straightened enough for my former housekeeper's visit.  I hired her in 1995 and had to let her go when I moved to the apartment.  I wanted her to see that I watched how she cleaned all those years and kept my apartment up well. 
     8am approached and passed and I realized that we had a misinterpretation about where we were to meet.  Thoughts of her making a Mexican breakfast for me and waiting horrified me.  I looked at the clock.  I could rush over there, but she would have to run to her cleaning job after 20 minutes.  I decided to stay put.
     About 10 minutes later I heard a knock at my door.  She had driven to me!  We shared a tight, long hug. "Te quiero mucho!"  (I love you very much!)  We both said to each other.  Then I gave her my cards with my new address and got her address.  I was going to send her my book, since I couldn't find my books in my packed Suburban.  She was going to send me her memoir interpretted by her daughter, so I could write her story one day.  I felt fortunate that we shared so many stories with each other in our Spanglish.  We are sisters in spirit.
    After her visit I finished the walk through with the project manger with no deductions from my security deposit. :-)  Then I got my housekeeper's husband to work on cleaning my apartment.  He even fixed the landlord's vacuum cleaner!  I had used my Kirby vacuum cleaner to clean, but had to send it with the movers, since I ran out of room in the truck.
    Finally, it was time to get the cat in the truck, deliver my ATT equipment to UPS, grab a Pelly's calamari lemon dill sandwich, and hit the road.  At 12:30am  I was departing San Diego and listening to choice homemade 80's musical tapes:  Laughs Unlimited, Eagles, Cat Stevens, Billy Joel, Queen, Grease, Abba, The Cars, and Kenny Loggins to name a few.  I loved revisiting my mindset when I was in my 20's---how I organized the music on the tapes.  I was certainly broken hearted, but never gave up on love. 
    My cat would howl every time the tape ended, so I guess that she liked the music, too.  She actually howled so much that while I was driving through LA and talking to surferdude, he mentioned that I should just toss her out the window to put both of us out of our misery.  (He's severely allergic to cats and hates them.  A major reason why we're just friends.)  By Ventura my cat got tired and used to the music.  She was like a sleeping baby though.  If my phone rang all howls broke lose!  I arrived safely and sanely with my kitty in my lap at my sister's house in Sacramento around 8 pm and quickly let her loose in the guest bedroom with her kitty litter box nearby.
     We are moved to Sacramento.  Now I have to figure out when my things will be moved here---either Saturday or Monday.

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