Friday, December 30, 2011

Second Edit Completed of "To Previve or Survive Breast Cancer"

    It's a good thing that I got the flu.  I've been able to finish the second edit of "To Previve or Survive Breast Cancer!"  Now I just have to go through this book and add some more scenery and dialogue.  The flow is right now though. 
    This book not only deals with BRCA 1 genetic issues, but it takes the reader along with me through my Celebrate Recovery 12-steps process.  It amazes me that God aligned the two of these major events of my life during the same year!  It was definitely a year of healing.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

What is Love?

     "Love only comes with true understanding of the other, developing an honest relationship, with clearly established needs for fulfillment and sharing, and giving to the other from an earnest heart--not out of charity, guilt, or obligation."

  By Isolde Ulrich in "The Romance of Kilimanjaro"

Is There a God?

   Since I was 12-years old and drowning at the bottom of the American River, I knew that there was a God.  I was on a kayak/canoe trip down the upper American River below Sutter's Mill with my dad and siblings.  The seven mile long "Gorge" was daunting to navigate with the high water flow rate released from the dam, but the cliffs were too steep to carry a raft and climb.  The only way through it was via the river. 
    My dad and I hit a 30ft tall boulder that stood prominently in the middle of the river.  It broadsided the slow leaking side of our raft and the water pushed the other side of the raft into the boulder like a fly swatter.  I sank and sank and sank with my eyes closed waiting for my sinking to be over.  Finally I was ejected out of the strong undertow, my body gently touched the bottom, and I opened my eyes. 
    Green slime was all around me!  I screamed and pushed at it to get away from it.  Then I realized as I watched my air bubbles rise that I was without air.  Fortunately, my push moved me into a slow upward current.  I could no longer move from lack of oxygen and relied solely on my life jacket to raise me, but I was very deep and the river was so powerful. 
    Suddenly this beautiful white tunnel of light appeared and gave me hope that I was near the sun and would breath air again.  I felt like it pulled me toward it.  Like a doll I just slowly rose upward.  I finally broke the surface and gasped air before I was pulled under again.  My older brother and sister watched helplessly as I went over a 10 foot waterfall and was pushed under again. 
    When I rose up again, I dog paddled to keep my head in the air.  I was so far away from everyone and so weak, but I paddled diagonally with my remaining strength to get nearer to them.  I managed to get near enough to the shore that my oldest brother was able to grab my life jacket and pull me out of the 1-foot-deep, swift-moving water in which I was going to drown otherwise. 
    As I lay on my back on the shore breathing in the wonderful air, I noticed that there was no sun in the sky to shine a tunnel of light through the water to me.  It was a completely overcast day!  In that moment I, this 12-year-old girl with only a minuscule introduction to religion, knew that there was a God, and that He wanted me to do something for Him someday.
     At 48 I am now doing what He wanted me to do---which He created me to do.  I am writing about my honest story of my life in my books from my "Anatomy of a Midlife Crisis Series."  My first book is released.  It's "The Romance of Kilimanjaro."

    I would also like to applaud this amazing teenage young man who understands the playing field in which we live, too.  He is doing what God wants him to do, as well.  He's telling us his story.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Kayaking Once Again!

    It's been toooooo long since I've kayaked!!!  First I had to get the mild concussion from the kayak hitting my head to heal.  Then I caught the flu.  I'm fine now and the day was sunny with little wind, so it was time.
    I took it easy, since I'm just starting to exercise after being sick and my arms are weak.  The surf was small for Ponto Beach again which made for an easy passage to the ocean.  A rogue wave did sneak up on me, but I paddled hard and bucked over it.
    After paddling for an hour it was time to return to the beach.  I missed a couple waves and decided to just paddle toward the beach.  Then a good wave caught me.  My position was a little low, so the lip broke on my head.  I managed to hang in there on the kayak while I couldn't see.  I could feel myself surfing.  Finally, the wave cleared my head, and I could now see where I was surfing.  I was surfing right into the new sand that they were pumping onto the beach from the lagoon.


Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Some Foot Soldiers Fighting For American Values

    Today started off in my normal holiday routine.  I wake up early to write for a few hours before my son and I watch "Star Trek, The Next Generation" and eat lunch.  Then we figure out what to do from there. 
    Today the phone rang in the morning.  A high school friend that I haven't seen since 1979 texted me.  We've kept in touch over the years via e-mail and now facebook.  He invited me via text to lunch with his mother at the Fisherman's Restaurant in San Clemente.  I knew that he was in SoCal, so I seized the day and drove up to see them.
    It was sunny, gorgeous, and the ocean waves curled perfectly for the surfers as I approached the restaurant on the pier.  As I got to the restaurant I noticed a text telling me their exact location, so I found them immediately at a table looking over the beach.  They'd been there for a bit and had crab that they were cracking.  I gave my friend a big hug.  Though it's been 33 years he still looks great!  I shook his mom's wrist, since her hands had crab all over them.  She gave me a big smile.
    We had a lovely discussion about our current lives.  We didn't reminisce, except for the short discussion about his high school love, and me being the only blond nerdy girl on campus.  We actually really talked about how God has honed us through our painful life experiences.  I learned so much about his childhood that I never had known.  
    He became the man of the house at 15 due to the abusive alcoholic father leaving.  I told him that's one of the ways God honed you to become a great leader.  He was the student body president of our high school two years before I was.  Now he's about to publicly launch Warpshare, a company that he created with some new nerd friends to protect our freedom of Internet speech.
    His mom had interesting stories about the challenges of being a Filipino principal in the Elk Grove Elementary School District in the 1970's.  Elk Grove, CA was just rednecks back then.  The high school football team was known as the meat and potato boys that lifted cattle for fun.  Ethnic diversity wasn't even a phrase back then.  She had many challenges from the parents---being an outsider and "ethnic."
    The story that really stuck in my head was about one of her Japanese school teachers.  There was a teacher's meeting after school.  It happened to end early and this Japanese school teacher went to her car and found a Ku Klux Klan doll, the calling card of the KKK, on her windshield.  She immediately got into her car and drove home.  The janitor saw the KKK return about 5 minutes after the she left.  The teacher certainly had God watching over her!
    My friend's mom offered to transfer the Japanese teacher to another school for her safety, but the Japanese teacher refused to bow down to terror.  She stayed on and taught the KKK's kids.  That's how ethnic diversity happens in America---by ethnically diverse heroes and heroines standing their ground and turning the bad into the good.  That's also how God hones us by giving us bad experiences, so that we can rise to the challenge, become stronger, have a broader perspective, and be a better light of God.


Monday, December 26, 2011

There's Nothing Like Watching a Sunset Over the Ocean

    After 8 days of trying to get rid of the flu via resting and not exercising, I finally did it!  Today was so beautiful that I was having a dilemma about what sport I'd do to start exercising.  I wanted to kayak, but I was concerned about the cold water and a relapse.   I thought about biking, but my loop starts on a long uphill, and I want to gently start my exercise.  Then I remembered this great walking trail along the Batiquitos Lagoon.  The trail head was even near the post office, so I could send off my dad's birthday present!
    Lots of people were enjoying the trail that runs along the edge of the lagoon.  The birdwatchers and dog walkers were out in force.  I walked briskly to get my heart rate up and after 45 minutes climbed this hill to see if the old, secret rope swing that looks out over the lagoon and ocean was still there.  It was, but it was in really bad shape and couldn't be used.  I remembered how I used to bring the kids to this swing.  They just loved swinging off this steep hill high above the ground and back.  It's too bad that the kids of this generation don't have many fun outdoor surprises like this hidden rope swing.
    When I finished my hike, I drove down the coast highway to see the ocean.  It was so beautiful that I pulled into Ponto Beach's parking lot and pulled out a beach chair and water from my truck. My Chevy Suburban is my two-seater sports car, since only two seats are available due to all my sports equipment---my kayak and surfboard take up most of the truck. lol
    As I sat and watched the waves and the people, I relished all the beautiful blues of the ocean with the yellow line of the sun reflecting upon the water.  The waves were so small that I wished that I would have chosen to kayak, but there's always tomorrow!  Today though, I was just going to sip my water and watch the sunset.  It was beautiful!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas! First of all thank you God for giving us the gift of your son, Jesus! I am such a sinner and would never be worthy to enter your kingdom without His sacrifice so that we could be forgiven.  For those who are serving in the military and away from their families, thank you for your sacrifice for us.  For those who are alone, remember that God is right there next to you---you're never really alone!   Just look for Him.  It's hard to remember that when you're sad, I know.  I'm also sending hugs to your way!  For those who are a with their families, enjoy the moment and love, love, love.......

Saturday, December 24, 2011

New Traditions

   Today my son and I had a long talk about how I was not in control of how he spends his time.  Though I wanted him to go to my concert tonight and to my cousins tomorrow for Christmas dinner, he only wanted to go to my concert.  He wanted to have Christmas dinner with his dad and Dad's new wife and start a new tradition.
   Honestly, I didn't take this well.  His dad had taken him to Ohio all Thanksgiving which was horrible for me.  I couldn't yell or cry because I just got my throat clear and feeling good with the antibiotics and rest, so that I could sing tonight.  I couldn't go for a walk, because I've been lying down for a week trying to recover and didn't want to relapse from exertion. 
   Then I remembered our priest saying "Rejoice, Praise, and Thanks" when you're upset.  So I thought of things about which I could rejoice, praise, and be thankful.  I rejoiced that God has cleared my voice so that I can sing tonight.  I praised God, because He always is there for me and knows what I can handle and what I can't.  I thanked God for my son and daughter's good health and that all my relatives are well tonight. 
    I felt better and got to work on baking an apple and pumpkin pie for tonight.  Tonight we are starting a new mother and son Christmas Eve tradition.  We had greasy Chinese food which we both love and it lubricates my throat for singing.  Then he'll go to the concert with me, and afterwards we'll eat pie!

Friday, December 23, 2011

God Bless Vaclav Havel

    God bless Vaclav Havel for leading the Czech people & Europe from communism & to democracy in 1989.  May he live eternally with God in heaven now and may the Middle East have a similar leader rise up.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

$95 Antibiotics After Insurance!

   After 6 days of being sick with a flu that made it passed my flu shot, I finally got some antibiotics to combat it.  The antibiotics cost $95 after insurance!!!  I was really upset about my doctor prescribing me a designer antibiotic like that.  It was after 5pm, and I couldn't wait until tomorrow to have the doctor fix the prescription.  I needed to start it tonight.  I have to have a clear voice to sing for Christmas Eve.  The alto section desperately needs me.
    It was demoralizing realizing that a sick teacher got me sick and the antibiotics cost as much as I earned for that work day.  I also couldn't work three days this week for another school district, because I was too sick.   Catching the flu basically cost me $370!
   At least my grocery store visit ended well.  A former student took my groceries to the car and told me that he's becoming a manager!  He also mentioned that he was starting his own computer repair business.  I strategized with him about how to do both.  Being an entrepreneur can be challenging, because the income is so inconsistent and there are no group medical benefits.  After our long talk he gave me a hug. :-)  What a nice way to end the day!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I've Let My Son Be An Adult

     As I waited at the San Diego Airport gate late last night, it dawned on me that I just bought my son a ticket, sent him an itinerary, and left it to him to find his way to the SF Airport from SFSU.  I didn't even worry about him missing the plane!  That is such a different mindset from whence I first dropped him off at college last August.  I was still choosing jeans for him back then!  I've let my son be an adult.  We've both matured while we've been apart. :-)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Do Satan Worshippers Celebrate Christmas?

    I was teaching at an alternative high school with a lot of Satan worshippers and had a mission to discover if they were going to celebrate Christmas.  I spied one alone in the corner and asked him.  He was.  I said, "But it's my Savior's birthday?"  He knew that I was a devout Christian.
   He just shrugged, "My friends do too." 
   Wow!  I walked away thinking Christ will find His way into the darkest places.  I also understood why the Catholic Church made Christian holidays in line with the pagan holidays---to slowly introduce Christ into their regular lives.  It's rare to have an epiphany on the way to Damascus like Saul and suddenly believe in Jesus.  It's more common to slowly discover Jesus like these Satan worshippers are.
   Yes, we can get all upset about "Happy Holidays" and people just celebrating Christmas for the presents.  However, it's wasted time.  Jesus doesn't need our help, though I'm sure He appreciates it when we are His loving helpers!

Monday, December 19, 2011

You Don't Want to Leave This World Intestate!

    I finally got around to having a new trust created.  My paralegal gave me 30 days to review the whole binder.  Thank God for my flu!  I got so bored from recuperating that I read all the way through this very long, new trust.  I am not leaving this world intestate!
   Oh, intestate is a new word that I learned from my trust.  It means "to die without a will."  You don't want to die intestate.  Did you know that kids are legally referred to as "issue?"  I guess that I issued my kids from my loins!  lol

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sharing the Love and Colds of the Holidays!

     Well, it's a good thing that I finished my caroling adventures yesterday with the flash mob singing Handel's Hallelujah Chorus at the mall.  I don't have to sing again until Christmas Eve which is fortuitous, because  I've got a seriously sore throat today!  That's the bummer about being a guest math teacher at this time of year---the absent teachers are super sick, so I get sick even with the flu shot!  At least the teacher who got me sick listed all his symptoms on the board to jokingly lay guilt on the students who got him sick, so I know what to expect. :-)  I just wish that he didn't list sooooo many symptoms!!!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Jiffy Lube's Losing Focus on Their Brand

     Jiffy Lube has a business model issue.  I went there to change my oil, and they said that it'd take 1.5 hours!!!  Only two stalls were being used and there were plenty of employees, so I asked, "Why?"  Since Jiffy Lube has expanded their services (i.e. tire rotation), they spend more time on one vehicle.  Why are they trying to be like a mechanic's shop?  If I have to drop my car off and leave, then I will go to a mechanic's shop.  Can't a lady get her oil changed while she briefly waits anymore?  Whoever thought up the new business model certainly messed up Jiffy Lube's brand.  It's not jiffy anymore. 
    At least they gave me $10 off on my next oil change, since they weren't jiffy today! 

Friday, December 16, 2011


     Today some of my students knew of my book, "The Romance of Kilimanjaro."  I actually did an autograph on one of my bookmarks for one of their moms!  That's a 1st! 
      The truly funny thing about me doing autographs is that most of my life I could not figure out why autographs were so coveted.  If I met someone famous, I knew that I met them, so why did I need an autograph?  If someone didn't believe that I met them, that's there problem, not mine. 
      At the La Jolla Writers Conference I did get my books signed by their authors.  I feel more bonded to those authors and their books now, so I'm starting to understand the value of autographs---they actually add emotional value to the book!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas Caroling

    Our choir caroled at our first retirement home tonight.  We weren't perfect, especially due to me having to sight read the soprano lines---no sopranos showed up.  However, the elderly loved it and appreciated being given some attention!  Share the joy of the holiday season!  It makes a difference.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

See's Candy for Emergency Gifting

    It's official.  I spend ~$200 on See's candy for presents every Christmas.  I just purchased the last bit today to finish off my Christmas shopping.  See's chocolate truffles are great for emergency gifts, since most people love chocolate.  My emergency chocolate truffles stash has always kept the embarrassment factor from forgetting to buy a gift for someone down to a minimum at Christmas. :-)  When the Christmas snowflakes settle and all the presents are opened, the best thing about my emergency stash of See's truffles is that I usually don't give all of it away, so I get to eat the remainder!!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Be KInd During the Holidays

    I finally found a parking space at the post office and got my mind around standing in a long line.  When I got into the PO, I noticed that there were only two people in front of one of the "Self-mailing" machines.  How unexpected!  I was delighted!
   The first person quickly used the machine.  Then the next couple couldn't find a credit card and tried to use their ATM card.  They stared at the machine for about 5 minutes trying to figure out why it wouldn't work.   It didn't dawn on them that ATM cards are like cash and these machines don't take cash.  Had they asked for help, they would have learned this. 

    The moral of the story:  during the holidays beginners at using the "Self-mailing" machines at the post office should be kind to others and just not try them. 

My Amazon Author Page

Here's my Amazon Author page:

Monday, December 12, 2011

Christmas Shipping

     It's pouring rain outside, so I thought, "Great no one is crazy enough to go to the post office during this downpour."  Wrong!  There were no parking spaces and a long line of cars trying to park.  I just drove through the parking lot and aborted that post office attempt.  I'll try again another day.
     At least I already shipped off the big box to my daughter last week.  She'll be spending her first Christmas away from us.  She's getting her Christmas ornaments that I've been giving her all these years!  Now she'll understand what I was thinking when I gave them a couple for Christmas each year.
     She's also getting a copy of my memoir, "The Romance of Kilimanjaro."  She's never read it before.  My kids are old enough now to know what was going on behind closed doors.  I'm hoping that during the long holiday break, they'll have time to process their feelings before college starts again.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Singing Handel's "Messiah"

     What's more important than lifting up your voice in song to God?  Over 1000 singers from North County San Diego couldn't think of anything more important.  It was awesome to sing Handel's "Messiah" with the La Jolla Symphony and Chorus, ~1000 other chorus singers, and professional soloists tonight at St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church in Carlsbad!  Our whole alto section of St. James attended this fabulous sing-along concert.  We sang with ~250 other altos.  Of course, the "Hallelujah Chorus" wrapped up a fabulous evening.  Imagine a full church of talented choral singers accompanied by a prestigious symphony singing the "Hallelujah Chorus."  God must have been pleased.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

I Finished the First Draft of "To Previve or Survive Breast Cancer!"

     After picking up where I left off my years ago, I finally finished my first draft of "To Previve or Survive Breast Cancer" and celebrated by climbing H2O mountain and watching the sun set over the ocean.  I love praying at its top!  I was so happy to see that my mom's cairn is still untouched in the open space, too.

Friday, December 9, 2011

From Loss of Direction to Precise Direction

    This morning I was ahead of schedule to get to my guest teaching math job at a local high school.  I checked with the high school's front office to see if they'd scheduled the interviews for the open position.  They had.  Though I've substituted for most of their teachers, I didn't rate an interview.  I was devastated, but still standing and smiling on the outside.
     After managing my way through the day at this high school which didn't consider me worthy of even an interview, I headed home thinking, "At least the kids and teachers are nice."  My preliminary CA math/physics credential is in dire need of clearing, but it's been 5 years without a contracted job offer which is the first step to do the clearing.  Thoughts of sending our governor, Jerry Brown, a letter asking him to clear my credential came to mind.
    Once I arrived home my estate planner visited me.  She'd read my book, "The Romance of Kilimanjaro" and had all sorts of observations and questions.   I realized how important it is for me to write my second book and explain some more background knowledge.
    So I started the day with my teaching career slipping into oblivion and ended the day with God giving me clear direction toward the door that is open for me---writing.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

My Parlor Palm Christmas Tree

    Today I decorated my artificial parlor palm as my Christmas tree.  I am celebrating the birth of our savior into this world with palm fronds like he was honored as the King of the Jews when entering Jerusalem right before he left this world!
    OK, so maybe I'm just being efficient with where I'm hanging my Christmas ornaments and don't want the hassle of pine needles everywhere this year.  lol  This is a great example of, "If you can't fix it, feature it!"

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Serendipity!  I left my thermal coffee cup at a school & received a new one at Coastline Church's Women's Christmas Celebration! Thanks God!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Why Do I Guest Teach Math?

    Today I had difficult students and wondered why I guest teach math?  A friend reminded me that I like to teach kids.  I also realized that I did reach a few of the students today.  I don't know how long I'll guest teach math.  This could be an author lifestyle---write and teach when I want to do so.  I intended to be a contracted CA public math teacher when I got my preliminary math credential and masters of education in best practices, but I'm apparently way too colorful to be hired and God seems to want me to write!

P.S.  To my blog readers:  If you want to support a struggling math/engineering teacher and author, please buy my first book, "The Romance of Kilimanjaro," soon to be followed by my second book at:         Thank You!

Monday, December 5, 2011

International Math Day!

     I was a guest teacher for the English Language Disabled class again.  I taught math today in Spanish, charades/pictionary-style for a Vietnamese student that speaks no English, & English for the student that I tutor.  It's international math day in my world!!!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Being Christian Doesn't Mean We're Good, Just Forgiven

     My friend had bad business dealings with Christians.  Because of that he gets pretty darn angry when Christians say, "Trust me, I'm a Christian."  I'm a Christian & said, "Being Christian doesn't mean we're good, just forgiven.  No one is completely good.  In fact, we all fail at being a good Christian example.  We are all jerks in some way, but it's a problem for us Christians if we realize that we're a jerk and don't try to be less of a jerk."

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Ocean Kayaking on a Windy Day is a Bad Idea

   After writing a few scenes in my second book, I decided not to ride my bike for my exercise break.  I opted for kayaking instead.  I parked, walked out onto the beach, looked at the ocean, and deemed it "not insane to kayak."  While I was hiding my kayak wheels behind the newest beach attraction, a 1 ft diameter sand conveyance pipe, the wind started to pick up.   I was dressed and ready to go kayaking, so that was what I was going to do despite any wind.
   Getting out through the surf was the easy part.  Paddling against the wind felt like someone had tied a rope mounted on a wall to my kayak and/or I'd caught some giant sea kelp with my fishing line.  I just didn't go anywhere no matter how hard I paddled and leaned flat into my knees.  At least an amazing windsurfer came roaring passed me going at least 25 mph.  I couldn't believe that he could hang on to the sail going that speed through choppy waters!
   The wind finally got dangerously bad, so I called it a day after 50 minutes.  I re-entered the surf zone cautiously, but the wind pushed me into a bad position during a breaking wave.  While twirling around and out of my kayak, my head hit the tail end.  Fortunately, the water was cold and the wind chilled my wet head, so I got instant ice on my bump on the head.

P.S.  To my blog readers:  If you want to support a struggling math/engineering teacher and author, please buy my first book, "The Romance of Kilimanjaro," soon to be followed by my second book at:         Thank You!

Friday, December 2, 2011


     TGIF!  I get to sleep in tomorrow, make pancakes, & work on finishing my 1st draft of my 2nd book, "To Previve or Survive Breast Cancer."  For my sanity break from writing I'm going out kayaking to see my dolphin buddies.  It's too bad that my GoPro2 is only good for close up action shots.  It never picks up the dolphins---even when they're 10-15 feet away from me!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Really, Would Jesus Want a Perfectly Decorated Christmas Tree?

    I heard a Christmas tree decorated with unmatching, sentimental, old ornaments called a white-trash tree.  I lovingly call it a Jesus tree!  It wouldn't be Christmas without my 18-year-old son's second-grade picture with glued on pretzels framing it at the top of the tree.  He's the only one that can reach the top of the tree without a step ladder, so he's in control of that section! lol 
    A Christmas tree is full of love---Jesus' and our own.  It's something in our house that makes us breath in, put on, and look at love during Christmas.  I have a lot of picture ornaments of my kids when they were growing up which makes decorating the tree full of good memories. 
    The kids were always incredulous each year when I gave the them their own special, store-bought ornaments.  They'd say, "Not more ornaments!"  Now they're adults and when they have their first tree, they'll be able to start their Christmas tree traditions with a lot of memories hanging on that tree in the form of unmatching, sentimental, old ornaments!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

An Eye Opening Language Experience

   Today I was the guest math teacher for the English Language Disabled (ELD) students.  These kids are kind and very respectful.  They stand up when the teacher enters the room at the beginning of the day.  They also stand and say "The Pledge of Allegiance." 
   Every time that I teach this class there is always a new student.  This time we had three new arrivals:  a Cambodian, Mexican, and Vietnamese.  Fortunately, the young Cambodian girl spoke enough English to navigate the work.  The Mexican student had many other Spanish speakers to help him.  The Vietnamese student had just arrived 3 days ago and only knew, "Hello!" when he arrived.  So when I got the class focused on their work, I worked with the Vietnamese student.
   We did a lot of "la, la, la, blu, blu, blu, and grrr, grrr, grrr" to strengthen his tongue and lip muscles.  He liked my bear-clawed fingers when we did the "grrr." It always amazes me how difficult English is to learn.  I am so glad that I'm a native English speaker.  What was someone thinking when they created and spelled words like turquoise, beige, and light? 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

What I Learned Teaching Special Education Today

    Today was just another random substitute job day again.  I'm like an educational firefighter.  If a teacher gets sick midday or all day, I get called.  Usually being a math/physics credentialed teacher, I'm booked way in advance, but today my arranged job got cancelled.  I was just at home nearing the end of writing the first draft of my second book, "To Previve or Survive Breast Cancer"  when the phone rang.
    A special education teacher came to work sick, but realized that he wasn't going to make it the whole day, so I got called.  Not a lot of guest teachers will take special education, but I usually do.  The class was high functional and since it was listed as "severe special education," I had to assume that this was the "Emotionally Disturbed" (ED) class of this high school.  I sub for a lot of ED and alternative high school classes these days.
    Typically I can win a "colorful" class over with my introduction, "Hi! I'm Ms. Ulrich.  I'm a former international mechanical engineer.  I retired two raise my two kids that are in college now and became a landscape designer that was voted 'One of the Best in San Diego County.'  I've been an entrepreneur many times and decided to become a math teacher to give back to your generation.  I've been trying to get a math teaching job and subbing for 5 years, but while I've been subbing I wrote this book, 'The Romance of Kilimanjaro.'"  Then I hold up my book.  "Now, being an author was not my planned, mainstream path.  Sometimes we may get off the mainstream path, but our new, unplanned path may be more awesome!" 
     This introduction typically inspires the "colorful" students to make the best of the path to which they're currently placed.  It also creates an atmosphere of instant respect, because I've had my own challenges with the public school system, too.  Despite my many setbacks in getting a contracted math teaching position, I became successful my own way---writing about my life experiences.
    Today my introduction won the ED class over, and it was easy to keep them from killing each other after that.  I would have no pencil stabbings or stapled cheeks today!  After I got them to finish their assignment for the day, I gave them some free time.  One student kept irritating his fellow students, but I had no idea how he was doing it.  He didn't steal the good chair, push anyone, or throw tiny pieces of pencil eraser at unsuspecting students.
    "You can't hear that?" a student incredulously asked me.
    "No," I said as I walked by the student holding an i-phone with the "Dog Whistler" program.
    "No way!  The myth is true.  People over 30 can't hear these high notes!"
    I was intrigued that I actually could not hear the sound as the other teenagers put their hands over their ears in irritation.  So we all did an experiment to see when I could hear and when they all couldn't handle the high pitches.  I can't hear sound at 16kHz and teenagers can. 
    I joked, "Wow!  I'm going to have to get that program and 16kHz will be how I tame my wild classes!"
    When I got home, I was a little worried that maybe I was losing my hearing.  So I took an online hearing test which indicated that I do hear well and confirmed our "Dog Whistler" experiment.  I used, and I definitely can't hear 16kHz!  Fortunately, I can hear everything else.  :-)

Monday, November 28, 2011

I Have an Amazon Author Page!

    I just signed up as a Amazon Author and found out my sales information on my book, "The Romance of Kilimanjaro."  They only have 3 of my books left!!!  Hopefully, they didn't just have 4 books to sell. lol

Sunday, November 27, 2011

The New Church Year

   Today was the first Sunday of the new catholic church year.  We also started using the new English prayers and liturgical responses.  I guess that our coloquial English responses didn't quite mean the same thing as the original Latin responses.  Now the English matches the Latin, so catholic liturgy is truly universal in all the catholic churches in all the world now!  Hopefully, we'll have the new English responses memorized when the seasonal Christmas crowd visits, so we can teach them, too!
   On a different note, I had a lovely day of traveling the ocean along Ponto Beach and South Carlsbad State Beach.  The seal and some dolphins approached me today.  I just wish my new GoPro2 had a zoom!  I can never see them when I replay the video.  I do have a video of kayaking through a tame tidal outflow from the Batiquitos Lagoon.  Kayaking through this tidal current is my version of whitewater rafting!  Also, enjoy my kayak surfing.  I didn't hit a single person as I surfed into the sand!  ;-)

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Surf Day!

    It's been a few months since the last time that I surfed.  I was telling my friend who's a pro surfer that I was scared after doing a tango with the fin the last time I was surfing.  He understood my pain.  He had to do a massage on the 1" diameter lump that was left after 2 weeks of a nasty bruise from the impact of the slicing safety fin on the back of my knee.
   Then I remembered Roosevelt's saying, "The only thing to fear is fear itself!"  So today I went to the beach and surfed.  I'm a self-taught, beginning, long boarder which is why I get tossed about with my board a lot.  Today the waves were soft, so I was able to get up and actually maneuver my board!  I do believe that I'm going to have to add a surf day to my exercise regime.  I had fun!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday

    Until today I have always stayed clear of shopping on Black Friday.  I don't like crowds and tend to do most of my Christmas shopping months in advance.  However, my cousin asked me if I wanted to go to the craft fairs in the hill country near us and that sounded like an appealing new experience.
    We first went to Bate's Nut Farm in Valley Center.  Many local craft makers busily sold their unusual, homemade wares.  My cousin taught me her circuit and said, "You just walk through, look, and never know what you'll find.  Something might speak to you."  Something did, and I got a most unusal gift for my daughter.  I also bought Prailine Fudge and dried fruits (mangos, pineapple, papaya, and appricots) at their main store for me.  Yum!
    After that we headed into Canterbury Gardens in Escondido.  The mass of upscale Christmas decorations in this store was overwhelming!  We spent well over an hour just looking at all the decorated Christmas trees.  I found something quite special for my son there. 
    Finally, we headed to Myrtle Creek Nursery in Fallbrook.  They sell Christmas trees, decorations, and Christmas cactus.  O.K. being a retired landscape designer, I just had to buy a Christmas cactus for a present.  Once I selected an appropriate pot, the nursery help potted my cactus and put moss over the soil for free!  It's a lovely present now.  :-)
    So I am now a veteran of my version of Black Friday!
    I also participated in Cyber Friday.  I bought some good presents here, too:

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Ready for the Feast!

   First of all, I want to thank God for another day here on Earth.  I never take my life here for granted anymore.  I also want to thank Him for my cat who can be annoying, but is purring with love for me and keeping my lap warm at the moment.  Thank you God for all the people who have shown me mercy, kindness, and love during this difficult time with my children in Ohio with their dad and his new wife for Thanksgiving.  Thank you for my son calling me and saying, "I love you, Mom."
   Though I've kept myself very occupied, making the apple pies alone last night, killed me.  Making apple pies is a family tradition where each family member has a part---peeling and slicing, making the dry mixture, and putting it all together into a pie with a carved decoration in the crust.  (It used to be much harder and require more family members without a apple peeler and corer device and Pillsbury pie crusts.)  At least tasting the boiled over juice from the cooked apple pie made the pain of missing my children ease.
    My aunt that I just visited said it well,  "Parents that have done their job well have truly empty nests."  My kids are now creating new, independent, adult lives that will benefit society.  It's heartbreaking to see what bad parenting creates.  Working with alternative high school and emotionally disturbed students truly makes me grateful that my kids have good hearts and passion.  Without passion a person just breathes air.
    Speaking of breathing in air, I must go to my cousins for Thanksgiving and breath in that delicious air of Thanksgiving dinner being prepared!  Now it's time to celebrate what we do have and focus our gratefulness on that!

                                                            Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

When the Stock Market Crashes...

     When the stock market crashes and makes you anxious, get away from all technology, go outside, and exercise for an hour or more. You'll feel much better! 

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Make Older Relatives Happy During the Holidays!

    Make older relatives happy and visit them during the holidays.  They don't care if you have little to say.  They appreciate the visit!  It shows them that you think that they're important.  Wouldn't you want to feel like you're important to someone who doesn't live with you everyday?

Monday, November 21, 2011

Father/Daughter Thanksgiving Bike Ride

     Thanksgiving holiday is for going on a bicycle ride with your dad. Dad (~82yrs. old) and I rode from Marina to Fisherman's Wharf in Monterey and back!  We biked along the sand dunes passing through Fort Ord State Park.  The reds of the iceplant, grays of a lavender-like plant, greens of pickleweed and sun rose, tans of the sands, and deep blues of the ocean with a blue sky above made for a treasured ride with my dad even more of a treasure!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

A Great Lesson from My Uncle!

My uncle asked me, "Are you at peace?"
"No, not yet."
"Ask yourself three questions:  Who am I?  What am I doing? and Where am I going?"
"Let's see, I'm an adventurer...."
"No, it's simpler than that.  I worked with some Jesuit priests when I was a commander of the navy.  They asked me these questions and the answers are:  (Who am I?)  I'm a child of God.  (What am I doing?) I'm trying to become Christlike, but I can't do it because of my sinful nature.  (Where am I going?) I'm returning to my Father that sent me.  Once you realize these answers, then you'll find peace in this world."               :-)

A Fun Day with Harbor Seals!

     Monterey Bay was far from sunny today for my maiden kayak voyage on Stillwater Cove.  The rain let up, so we launched from the beautiful Pebble Beach golf course cove.  Lots of locals were launching to go fishing for ling cod there.  Some even went spearfishing and snorkeling.  We paddled about with our eyes on the very dark, rain-bearing clouds on the southern horizon.  As we approached the rocks that protect the cove, the wind from the south that was predicted to max out at 25mph found us.  After a brief conversation my guide and I decided to turn back and paddle around Cannery Row in Monterey Bay on the northern side of the peninsula.
     The water near Cannery Row was sheltered from the wind.  It was glassy with the exception of the scattered rain drops.  Our water resistant gear really was fabulous, and we both were very warm despite the rain.  Four harbor seal pups were so bored from the rainy day that they came over and played around the lone attraction for the day---the crazy kayakers kayaking in the rain. 
     Three sea otters were busy eating nearby while batting away seagulls trying to steal their food.  I'd never seen a giant white egret standing on floating seaweed until I passed one out there.  Giant sea nettles rose up from below and looked just like the seaweed that we'd hold onto when we'd stop our kayaks around the harbor seals.  It's a good thing that I recognized the 1ft diameter bell of the poisonous sea nettle from all my trips to Scripts Aquarium in La Jolla!!!  The poisonous, trailing tendrils would have been very painful to grab by accident, if they pierced my gear.
    The harbor seal colony was a really impressive site, too.  Just as my guide was wondering aloud where all the adult seals were, about 50 adult harbor seals appeared in the distance swimming directly for us in a herd arching in and out of the water.  Apparently, they were out fishing and were just returning home.  They swam right under us to the rocks of the harbor jetty on our other side where their pups were playing. 
    After paddling a few miles and two hours it was finally time to end my Monterey kayak adventure.  I paddled in and got dumped by a breaking wave just like at home!  At least I landed on my feet and got to sample the bouquet of Central Coast seawater.  ;-)

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Traveling During Thanksgiving

    Being a guest math teacher, I'm used to waking up early.  So, I decided to wake up really early---4am---and get through LaLa Land (Los Angeles) before everyone woke up and clogged the highways.  I didn't actually hit the road until 4:45am, but I had no traffic!!!  I made it all the way to Monterey without one traffic jam.  Hallelujah!
   It's been great to see my dad, his girlfriend, and my aunt and uncle here.  My aunt and uncle took us to where they first met, the old Hotel Del Monte which is the post graduate school for naval officers.  As we entered a spectacularly beautiful naval officer compound in Monterey, my uncle, a retired naval commander, got a formal salute from the guard.  What a reminder to me of the power wielded by my uncle who loving taught me so many life skills when I visited his family every summer! 
   What a wonderful beginning of my Thanksgiving holiday!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Anger Yields to Hope

Wow!  Yesterday I got mad at God about my unsuccessful, 6-year job search, and today I learned that my new favorite high school has an opening!  Thanks God for the hope!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Getting Psyched for Kayaking at Pebble Beach's Stillwater Cove!

    When life gets you down, go ocean kayaking!  I am.  I'm hoping to see the whales up in the Monterey area, but if not, it'll still be a peaceful, guided tour of Stillwater Cove with up close and personals with the sealife.  Yes, they did just have a surfer get killed by a great white shark two weeks ago, but that was in a different area in the Bay.  God did give me a dolphin pod escort for an hour north and a different dolphin pod escort back south when I asked Him to protect me from our SoCal great white.  I'm sure that He'll provide me safety again.  So it's time for CAyakgirl to kayak Central California's coast!
    Here's an old video of me as CAyakgirl demonstrating how to put on RoRows.  It's a kayak accessory that I patented with an old high school friend.  Enjoy!

P.S.  To my blog readers:  If you want to support a struggling math/engineering teacher and author, please buy my first book, "The Romance of Kilimanjaro," soon to be followed by my second book at:         Thank You!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

$$$ That Could Go To High Schools

    Today high school students at LCC did a huge marketing research survey embedded in the PLAN exam (the practice ACT) that the school bought. The $$$ went the wrong direction! Marketing research companies pay participants!!! Nice way to take money from schools during an educational budget crisis which is only getting worse.  Maybe those PSAT, PLAN exam companies could make money selling all that demographic and psychographic marketing research information collected.  Then they could give back some proceeds to the schools by paying them for participating in their marketing research survey and make the tests free.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Hope for the Best, Prepare for the Worst, and ....

"Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, and take what you get with a smile." This is family lesson helps me enjoy the moments of beauty during the struggle of living.  This is how I keep going onward.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Ponto Beach Afternoon Delight Kayaking

    What a beautiful afternoon to kayak off Ponto Beach. A big wave rolled me while I tried to get through the surf, and I lost my cheap sunglasses, but it was worth it!.  My surfer friend, John, gave me a lesson in watching for south swells, and shoved me off with the order to paddle hard!  I just made it out between some big sets to the open water which was at times quite glassy!  There were no dolphins around, but the little seal that steals from the lobster traps was breaching a lot.  He's on the video but is too far away. 
     My re-entry was a tiddly wink episode.  A big wave snuck up on me as I got backside and there was no leaning far enough backwards against my kayak tail.  My front tip dug in to the water, the wave pushed the kayak tail vertically, and I launched!  It made for a great sunsetting-tiddly-winking-kayak picture for the tourists from Tennessee!  The sunset didn't need any help from me for a great picture, however.  It was spectacular with painted streaks of parallel clouds framing it!P.S.  To my blog readers:  If you want to support a struggling math/engineering teacher and author, please buy my first book, "The Romance of Kilimanjaro," soon to be followed by my second book at:         Thank You!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

America's Cup Started Today in San Diego Harbor

    It was rainy with little or no wind, but they started the America's Cup week of racing in the San Diego Harbor.  The 40ft catamaran's with a 75ft high main sail moved with any hint of wind.  These boats are truly an engineering feat!  All the boats are the same graphite design, but the sails are all unique.  This makes the race more about the captains and less about the ship's design.  The Swedish captain pulled an amazing one pontoon turn near the finish, overtook the two American boats that led most of the time, and won the race!  Though I've never sailed, I was truly impressed.

Friday, November 11, 2011

A Beautiful Day of Ocean Kayaking

A bit of blue sky bored through the clouds, so I went ocean kayaking today.  I got knocked over by a big set of waves (yes, the Pacific Ocean is now cold in San Diego!), but made it out and enjoyed a visiting seal, diving B-52 Pelican bombers, frisky grebes, kites, cormorants, and glassy water at times.  The nursery pod of dolphins weren't at their normal feeding area.  They must sense the approaching storm.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

CA's High Traumatic Brain Injury Rate

While observing my adult transition student flirting with her boyfriend in the pool, I learned that CA has the highest traumatic brain injury rate.  Her boyfriend was cute and dawned lots of tattoos.  Parents of special needs students don't pay for tattoos.  If he had only worn a helmet!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Joke of the Day

I remarked to a ditcher in my math class today, "The only reason you'd need a 40 min. bathroom break is if you had prostate cancer, which you don't have."

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

When the Less Powerful Attack the Strong

The secret pain and shame of having been sexually abused/harassed is shared when the victim is compelled to stop if from happening again.

P.S.  To my blog readers:  If you want to support a struggling math/engineering teacher and author, please buy my first book, "The Romance of Kilimanjaro," soon to be followed by my second book at:         Thank You!