Sunday, November 20, 2011

A Fun Day with Harbor Seals!

     Monterey Bay was far from sunny today for my maiden kayak voyage on Stillwater Cove.  The rain let up, so we launched from the beautiful Pebble Beach golf course cove.  Lots of locals were launching to go fishing for ling cod there.  Some even went spearfishing and snorkeling.  We paddled about with our eyes on the very dark, rain-bearing clouds on the southern horizon.  As we approached the rocks that protect the cove, the wind from the south that was predicted to max out at 25mph found us.  After a brief conversation my guide and I decided to turn back and paddle around Cannery Row in Monterey Bay on the northern side of the peninsula.
     The water near Cannery Row was sheltered from the wind.  It was glassy with the exception of the scattered rain drops.  Our water resistant gear really was fabulous, and we both were very warm despite the rain.  Four harbor seal pups were so bored from the rainy day that they came over and played around the lone attraction for the day---the crazy kayakers kayaking in the rain. 
     Three sea otters were busy eating nearby while batting away seagulls trying to steal their food.  I'd never seen a giant white egret standing on floating seaweed until I passed one out there.  Giant sea nettles rose up from below and looked just like the seaweed that we'd hold onto when we'd stop our kayaks around the harbor seals.  It's a good thing that I recognized the 1ft diameter bell of the poisonous sea nettle from all my trips to Scripts Aquarium in La Jolla!!!  The poisonous, trailing tendrils would have been very painful to grab by accident, if they pierced my gear.
    The harbor seal colony was a really impressive site, too.  Just as my guide was wondering aloud where all the adult seals were, about 50 adult harbor seals appeared in the distance swimming directly for us in a herd arching in and out of the water.  Apparently, they were out fishing and were just returning home.  They swam right under us to the rocks of the harbor jetty on our other side where their pups were playing. 
    After paddling a few miles and two hours it was finally time to end my Monterey kayak adventure.  I paddled in and got dumped by a breaking wave just like at home!  At least I landed on my feet and got to sample the bouquet of Central Coast seawater.  ;-)

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