Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Songs and Tears Goodbye

    Today started early for me---2:30am.  My mom radar went off and woke me from a dead sleep, "My son isn't home from the concert in LA, and we have to leave for the airport at 7am!  Is he OK?"  I texted him once, "Please be home by 5:30am," but wanted to keep texting him.  After an hour of worried sleep, I remembered to pray for him to get home safely.  God, of course, answered my prayer almost instantly and the front door unlocked and my son's footsteps sauntered to his bedroom.  I could sleep in peace.
     It was hard lugging him out of bed to get to the airport.  He was so sleepy that I didn't bother trying to have a conversation.  We just listened to his eclectic music on his homemade CD that he made after his i-pod got stolen at Grandview Beach when he didn't lock the car.
     Every now and then while the music played, I'd ask questions about the nationality of the musicians.  The Japanese Country band is too funny with the "r" not quite pronounced correctly.  They even add some Japanese words into the song just to say, "Hey, we're not American, but we have our own love and forlorn songs to sing!"  The Turkish singer is really good, too.  One of my favorite songs, "The Lion Sleeps Tonight,"  also played, so I sang along with it, since my son loves it when I sing.  I hope that he forgot that CD in the car! ;-)
     Once I drove off from the airport, I choked up and cried and just let myself feel the pain.  I know that he's going to get the hang of college and decide how he's going to live.  I'll just keep having God surround him with angels, so his missteps aren't too life altering.  He's a fast learner, so I can't wait to see how he will mature this next semester.

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