Monday, January 2, 2012

Kid Day

    Today was the day that I had major kid time with/for my adult kids.  My son and I went out for lunch at Ciciottis in Cardiff, CA, since a Silicon Valley friend gave me a Christmas coupon for that restaurant via  We very much enjoyed the ocean view, bruschetta, calamari, and got a chance to really talk---without electronic devices distracting us.  It sounds like the college experience hasn't changed much since I went to college!
    On the way home we finally mailed off his presents for my daughter, who lives in Ohio.  Better late than never!  I taught him how to use the self-service mailing machine, since that is always available whether the post office is open or closed. 
     I also picked up my daughter's painting that I had framed.  The frame of a painting is as important as the painting itself.  If chosen correctly, it pulls out the best qualities of the art.  I love how Aaron Brothers can take a picture of the painting and show you virtual frame choices on a flat screen TV.  It's very helpful for making such a big investment in your art.
     When my daughter left for college, she left all her paintings with me.  This is one of our favorites!  I call it "Spiritual Eyes."  When she gets her first home, I'm going to give it back to her.  That will be a sad and happy day.  Happy that she can buy a home.  Sad that I have to give up this masterpiece of hers!

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