Monday, January 9, 2012

The Current of Mayhem

   Today started out rough.  While watering my plants I caught my onyx necklace on a cabinet handle, the string broke, and an onyx bead plunked down on the floor.  Then I showed up at San Marcos Middle School to find that my substitute job was cancelled.  Fortunately, another district's substitute job came through via my phone, so I still had a job.  It was just an hour drive from where I was!
   That substitute job was wonderful.  I had great classes with which to work and a prep period!  I actually caught up on my journaling. 
    After school it was time to tutor my math student with ADHD.  He actually got a B+ on his last test which is a major break through for him!  I was so excited that I actually gave him a hug!
   As I drove off for my Christmas choir potluck, it dawned on me:  all the people part of my day was wonderful.  Isn't that the only thing that matters?  I don't really need my onyx necklace.  God also provided me with a job, so what was really bad about my day?  Not much. 
   Sometimes I get stuck in the current of mayhem and need to stand above the mayhem to see the simplicity of the big picture.  Then I can see what really was bad and needed to be fixed, and what was good in order to thank God.

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