Sunday, March 15, 2015

The Five Kabbalah Universes in Detail

    Today I read a little more in depth about the five universes in Kabbalah:  Adam Kadmon (Will), Atzilut (Mind), Beriyah (Thought), and Asiyah (Action).  G_d is Ain Sof, the One without end or limit.  He was, is, and will always be.  G_d's will permeates all creation and without His will nothing would exist.  He has no parts.  We can't comprehend G_d, so we have nothing to compare in this realm that can properly describe G_d, so when these anthropomorphic descriptions are used (i.e. hand of G_d, voice of G_d, etc.), they merely are an illusion to an action of G_d, but not factual.
    So why did G_d decide to make universes?  Per Kabbalah it starts with Adam Kadmon which means primordial man.  This universe is closest to G_d.  Per Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan's "Inner Space":  "...Adam Kadmon alludes to the ultimate purpose of creation.  The term itself is an anthropomorphism meaning literally "primordial man."  The Kabbalists explain this when they tell us that the very first ingredient in creation was the thought of Adam-Humanity.  Though man was last in the external order of creation, the thought of man precedes creation.  He is the original purpose and intention for which the entire building was constructed.  The thought of man is therefore called Kadmon, primordial.  The first manifestation of G_d's purpose is thus called Adam Kadmon, the primordial will that preceded all creation and hints to its ultimate goal."
    The next down level from G_d is Atzilut.  It's light from the Ain Sof has less intensity, since it is farther from the source, G_d, than Adam Kadmon.  It is the domain of the Sefirot, the 10 basic modes of G_d's creative power:  love, restraint, beauty, dominance, empathy, foundation, kingship, wisdom, understanding, and crown (man's will).  The sefirot are undifferentiated in this universe, however.  The sefirot are only differentiated in the lower universes.  For instance when we see white light, we do not see every color which composes the white light.  We can not differentiate the colors unless we convey the white light through a prism.  It is then that we can see the color spectrum.
     A prism in this instance is a good representation to understand the Tzimtzum---constriction---which creates the lower universes.  Just as a prism conducts the light into itself and refracts it out into the color spectrum, so does the Tzimtzum conduct the light from the universe of Atzilut and refracts it into separation and independent existence in the universe of Beriyah, Creation.  The Neshamah, the soul of G_d that is connected via an umbilical cord of Ruach to our Nefesh in our body, originates in this universe where we have intimate awareness of the Divine.
    Per Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan, "The universe of Beriyah is also called the 'Universe of the Throne.'  In general, the concept of a throne, when used with respect to G_d, indicates a sense of lowering.  When a person sits down, he lowers his body.  Similarly, when G_d sits [remember this is an anthropomorphism], He lowers His essence so as to be concerned with His creation....when the Bible speaks of G_d's Throne, it is speaking of the vehicle through which He expresses such concern.  This vehicle is the universe of Beriyah."
    The next universe down is Yetzirah, Formation.  Per Rabbi Kaplan, "It is the level of Ruach and corresponds to the angelic world of spiritual forces that lies immediately beyond our physical domain.  When speaking of creation of the Olamot [universes], G_d says through the prophet Isaiah, 'I form (yotzer) light and create (boreh) darkness' (Isaiah 45:7)  Here again, the concept of 'creation' means 'something from nothing,' while 'formation' is 'something from something.'  Darkness is a completely novel concept and has no relationship to G_d.  It is therefore 'created'---'something from nothing.'  Light, on the other hand, emanates from G_d's essence, and is therefore 'something from something.'
     "Speech...emanates from thought---'something from something'---and is therefore on the level of Yetsirah---Formation.  When Isaiah says that G_d 'forms light,' this is an exact Genesis that 'G_d said, let there be light.'
      "In no place in the account of creation, however, does it state that 'G_d said' that darkness should be created.  Darkness therefore does not involve speech but only thought, which is the level of Beriyah---Creation.... 'And darkness on the face of the deep' (Genesis 1:2)."
     The lowest universe is Asiyah, the final action and completion.  "I form light and create darkness; I make peace and create evil" (Isaiah 45:7).  Per Rabbi Kaplan, "It is therefore written that G_d 'creates evil,' thus equating 'evil' with 'darkness.'  Similar to darkness which is the restraint and constriction of light, the possibility of evil had to be created 'something from nothing.' Before the original Tzimtzum---Constriction, there was nothing but the light of the Infinite Being.  G_d's very Infinity, however, precludes the existence of anything which can receive the essence of life that He wishes to give.  It was therefore necessary to 'create' something completely different and opposite from Himself.  This is the concept of constriction itself, which is here called 'darkness and evil.'
     "Darkness (Constriction)  allows for the existence of a finite world where G_d's Presence is absolutely undetectable and both good and evil can operate freely.  This in turn sets the stage for a creature far removed and opposite from G_d  who can resemble Him by freely choosing 'light' over 'darkness,' 'good' over 'evil.'  The very existence of evil, in fact, is solely in order to be transformed by man in the act of choosing good.  Through his struggle man attains Shalom-Peace and unifies himself and the creation with G_d.
     "Another verse in the book of Isaiah refers to all five universes and provides us with a key to the entire Kabbalistic view of the universe.  G_d says, 'All was called [into existence] for My Name's sake.  For My Glory I have created  it, I have formed it and I have also completed it' (Isaiah 43:7).  This verse again emphasizes the fact that the process of creation is initiated at the highest level of G_d's Purpose and culminates in the final realization of that Purpose in the physical world."  The parallels are: My Name's [Adam Kadmon], My Glory [Atzilut], created [Beriyah], formed [Yetzirah], and completed [Asiyah].

P.S.  To my blog readers:  If you want to support a struggling math/engineering teacher and author, please buy my first book, "The Romance of Kilimanjaro," soon to be followed by my second book at:         Thank You!

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