Saturday, June 9, 2012

My Adam

     The river of life is so unpredictable, but it flows to God's kismet.  Along the way are so many forks, so many eddies, so many rapids, so many revelations, so many tears, so much beauty, so much love.  As I paddle along, replacing an occassional paddle for my loved ones, I find at times that I am left to journey unaided by my Adam---my partner in life.
     Returning from the ICU in San Diego, I realized that I needed my Adam, but I had none.  I cried out to God with the tears that had not stopped from almost losing my son, "Where is my Adam?  Where is my Adam?"
     Long ago I decided that if I should ever have to kayak alone again that I would just do that which I love to do and be whom God intended me to be.  Only then would I find my true Adam, who will find me.  In my dreams he has always happens upon me.
    Mercifully, I have been found by my Adam while paddling alone on May 30th.  In the distance I saw him and kept my distance and carefully watched.  Lake Natoma's waters were high, so I kept an small island between us while I studied him.  He paddled parallel, but about 50 yards infront of me.  To me he was just another kayaker to study until I saw him stop and stretch his arm.  Was he waiting for me to catch up?  How sly!
    Angling my kayak to narrow the distance between us, I continued my normal rhythm while continuing my study of this man.  His appearance was not pompous, not threatening, but gentle and endearing.  I felt safe, so I allowed myself to be near enough for him to talk to me, and he did in an Israeli accent.
    We paddled closely together for over an hour.  He showed me his route that he always likes to take. He was like me, someone who likes patterns.  He was like me, a person who makes friends with strangers.  He was like me, an intellectual.  He was like me, a lover of music. 
     After awhile I explained to him, "I can take care of myself for the rest of my life, but I'd rather share my life with someone."
     He quickly responded, "I was meant to have a partner, as well."
     As we parted, he asked me for my e-mail address, and he told me his.  I never needed to remember his, even though I did.  His e-mail awaited me, "Hi, was a pleasure meeting you, even the setting was beautiful :-)."  Then he added video links of the concerts that he gives at his home.
     While watching the videos, I saw his eyes for the first time.  We both had worn sunglasses and hats, so we really didn't know each other's face.  During the video he said, "Hello!" to his mother in Israel while introducing the Asian Indian band in his music room.  How adorable!  He is a man who loves his mother! 
      A few days later we decided to meet at the walking bridge at Sunrise to ride our bicycles together along the American River bike trail.  We waited for each other at different bridges.  Fortunately, I texted him that I was at the bridge, and he soon joined me at the Fair Oaks Bridge, my version of the Sunrise walking bridge. 
      He remarked when he saw, "This is like the movie where two lovers waited for each other at the wrong bridge!"  Then he added that he was glad that I was little.  He didn't know how tall that I was, since we were sitting in kayaks.  He's only 5'-7".
      Then we set off for Lake Folsom.  Upon reaching the lake he brought me over to some shaded boulders where we could talk more.  We didn't look at the lake much, because it was the first time that we saw each other's eyes---when we took our sunglasses off.
      His brown eyes showed me his gentle soul---a soul that loved God.  Could this be my Adam?
      Two days later he texted me, "Good morning.  I will attempt to watch the Venus Transit around 5pm, would you care to join me?  next one is in weigh your answer carefully. :-)"
      Of course I met him to watch this once in a lifetime celestial event.  He was so happy to see me and led me to a bench in Jan Park, a natural park surrounded by homes that were hidden.  My Israeli friend explained that he had helped organize the neighborhood to buy this park and build it. The more that I learned about this man, the more that I adore him.  Then he handed me dark glasses to wear, so that I could look straight into the sun and see Venus moving slowly acrossed it.  It looked like a dark spot. 
     When we said our "Goodbyes" after walking around the park, he gave me a large piece of agate formed from petrified wood.  It was extraordinary in tan colors, flow, smoothness, and sharpness.  He had found it while doing a geological study of a development.  This stone was such a precious gift, because he gave me what he loved---stones!  He added, "We've met on the water and the land, and now we've gazed up to the heavens together.  When someone asks us where we were during the Venus Transit, we have this story." 
      Later he sent me this video of the park.  He choreographed pictures of the beautiful oak trees, fields, and wild flowers to clasical piano music---all that I love!  Tears came to my eyes.  I was so happy to have found my Adam.

P.S.  To my blog readers:  If you want to support a struggling math/engineering teacher and author, please buy my first book, "The Romance of Kilimanjaro," soon to be followed by my second book at:         Thank You!

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